Important numbers

  1. For emergency service or to report an outage, call SCE at (800)-611-1911
  2. Report any downed power lines immediately by calling the LADWP at 1-800-DIAL-DWP (800)-342-5397
  3. If you suspect a natural gas leak or to report one, evacuate the area immediately and contact SoCal Gas from a safe location: (800)-427-2200. Available 24/7.
  4. AirNow is your one-stop source for air quality data. 
  5. To report a missing loved one due to the fires, please contact the Red Cross at 1-800-RED CROSS (800)-733-2767. Be ready to provide as much information as possible, such as their last known location and any identifying characteristics. 
  6. For non-emergency, dial 2-1-1 for free. It connects callers to specialists who can assess the callers needs and link the caller to the right service using a comprehensive database of services, whether federal, state, local government, faith based or non-profits. You can also call and request an Airbnb for emergency housing.